Friday, July 10, 2009

Exposing the heart conference

On Saturday, October 3, our community will have a one-day men's conference called "Exposing the Heart." The speakers will include Chris Mueller, Tye Bridges, Gerry Brown, and myself. Here's a sneak preview:

Are we living as God intended, do we feel we have it together and others don't, and are we more than confident in our devotion and outwardly pious appearances when the truth of the matter is that it comes down to a condition of the heart? The very thing that sustains our life. Our lives and the way we live are directly related to our Heart. Its not always easy to diagnose, but God's Word reveals and exposes the Heart like nothing else. Until we see the condition we won't go for the cure which is in Christ Jesus and the grace He has poured out for us as Christians.

The focus and theme of this year's Morongo Basin Christian Men's Conference will be on "Exposing the Heart". It is based on the teachings from the "Sermon on the Mount". The "Sermon on the Mount" is one of the most well known of all of Jesus' teachings. It has been written about, taught on and preached extensively, and all for good reason, it truly reveals so much about us and our motives as fallen creatures apart from God.

8:00 - 8:30 Conference begins with worship band
8:30-8:40 Opening and prayer
8:40-9:30 Gerry Brown
9:30-9:40 Break
9:40-10:30 Stephen Jones - "Deadly Desire" (Mt. 5:27-30)
10:30-11:00 Break/worship
11:00-11:50 Tye Bridges - "Either Or" (Mt. 7:13-27)
11:50-12:00 Break
12:00-12:50 Chris Mueller - "Sermon on the Heart" (Mt. 5-7)
12:50-1:00 Closing & prayer
1:00-2:00 Free BBQ provided by the Saints motorcycle club

Men, mark your calendars for October 3. It should be a great time of worship and discipleship. For more information, you can visit the website here.

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